Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Our Postmodernist Abyss

“If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

We are here, the abyss, we have killed God as Nietzsche puts it, we have ate the rich, torn down the statues, and now live free of tradition, structure, and all the trappings of the patriarchy. It’s a time to celebrate, a time to hedonistically dance, drink the stolen sacramental wine, and fornicate, after all any repercussions of such actions can be justified with a few words about progress, or removed with  a scalpel.

How did we get here?

We have been "progressing" for over 50 years now, do we feel any safer, do we feel genuine love? Do we even feel free?

The aristocracy of old is long gone, it was driven underground by the enlightenment, so what did they do? They fled their palaces and hid within the ranks of the Intelligentsia, those old dusty books and leather chairs of academia, a way to separate themselves from the baseness of humanity. They went into the Officer Crops where their talents for stewardship can flourish, and worst of all they left the common man to his own devices. 

What did the common folk do? They replaced the old gods with new, but instead of nobles with generations of culture, education, and governance for dealing with the trappings and responsibility of greatness. They chose to elevate the most charismatic or simply outrageous of their own ilk. Instead of leaders with prudence, integrity and earnestness we have sports all-stars, Reality TV stars, and musicians, and then we feign outrage when they do not meet the moral standards of the aristocrats of old.

All of this while also forcing academia to lower its own standards to further profane those institutions in a vain attempt to be closer to the one thing they destroyed, but desperately want to be a part of. This is envy in the name of progress; “if I can’t have you no own can” it’s a codependent relationship with a toxic lover who plays the victim out of scorn.

We have done away with religion and expect the world to be moral, we have stripped humanity of its beauty and then lament at the ugliness around us.

I asked a 15 year old client why all these mass shootings are happening, after all he meets the appropriate demographics, and he said “because nobody cares about them, their parents don’t love them, nobody cares, so why not shoot up a school and get some attention, prison is better than this, in prison they’ll pay attention to you, and it’s better than here.”
Just wow, that makes no sense, but who hasn’t heard similar cries for help, similar “all or none” thinking. “Being dead is better than being here, being nothing is better than existing in this cesspool.” This is the nihilistic “all or none” cry for help; this is the despair of our current culture.

 Boomers didn't raise their kids; these ‘latchkey kids’ were raised by the The Brady Bunch, Bill Cosby and T.V. dinners, left to be Nomads finding their way through the post-free-love wasteland.  These Gen Xers falling into despair, substance abuse and multiple divorces; they in turn did not raise their kids. Now we have grandparents haphazardly rearing their grandchildren, and great-grandparents raising their great-grandchildren, cycles and cycles of abuse and neglect, substance abuse, sexual abuse, all of this pain, this lack of love radiates out into our society like a cancer, a cancer that is so advanced it is coming close to killing the host.

The Boomers swelled our population, consumed our resources, and inflated our economy.
Soon all of them at relatively the same time will begin to withdraw their retirements from the Market. Then the nursing homes will be full, and without loved ones to visit, they will need billions in medical care. Then the funeral parlors, with the average funeral costing upwards to 10K, and no loved ones to attend, other than a dwindling immediate family and what is left of their peers. After the Nursing Homes have absorbed their wealth the financial burdens of processing their deaths will fall on the few children they did not abort. What a sad state of events, a drained planet, a drained economy, a nation striped of its values in the name of progress, and so few people left to pick up the pieces.

A rootless culture, naïve, and wondering though the new wasteland with no memory of what they were before, their foundations and identity striped from them to the point to where they are unsure of their own biology, not only that but their mere population will be a fraction of the size of their predecessors.      

We have lost thousands, no millions to abortion, suicide, and all the telltale signs of our dying society. The opioid and methamphetamine crisis are consuming our middle and working class, and most importantly our fathers. They do not know how to be good dads because they did not have good dads to model from. Over half of marriages end in divorce, and the majority of divorces are initiated by the female, whom family court sides with, these men mourn the death of their identity and simply check out, and sedate themselves until death. If the father is not there to help the mother attachment disorders set in which cycle on into perpetuity.

And on and on it goes spiraling down into decay and degeneracy. How does one not hysterically laugh at the absurdity? How does one not self-destruct when facing the overwhelming nihilism of our day and age? 

Progress without Direction is Just Movement 

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